Medical device

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Items 91 - 161 of 161

2W070 Tube Adaptor

2W071-3 Light-Alloy Tube

2W080-1 Multi-Purpose Joint, Titanium

2W085 Socket Attachment Block

2W090 Double Adaptor

2W130 Lamination Anchor for infinitely variable rotation

2W157 Rotation Adaptor

2WR018-1 Double Adaptor - TITANIUM -, water resistant

3W010 Modular Safety Knee Joint

3W020 Modular Knee Joint, polycentric

3W030 Modular Knee Joint for knee disarticulation

3W035 Modular Knee Joint, polycentric

3W060 Modular Monocentric Knee Joint

3W090 Modular Knee Joint, monocentric with lock

3W095 Modular Knee Joint, monocentric

3W200 Donning Aid for Prosthesis

3W400 Keasy Thermocone

3W520 Modular Knee Joint with pneumatic swing phase control

4L4062 LITE Liner Silikon SkinTex 6 L SOFT Locking

5W055 Shuttle Lock


6W022 Perlon Cosmetic Stockings child

6W902 Cotton Stump Sock for BK

6W908 Cotton Stump Sock for BK with opening

6A903 Terry Cloth Stump Sock

6W903 Terry Cloth Stump Sock for BK

6A907 Terry Cloth Stump Sock for AK with opening

6W907 Terry Cloth Stump Sock for BK with opening

6A913 Terry Cloth Stump Sock, 75 cm

6A917 Terry Cloth Stump Sock for AK with opening, 75 cm

6FM906 Nylon Stump Sock

6A905 Cotton Stump Sock AK with opening

6V906 Nylon Stump Sock for BK with opening

6A906-FM Nylon Stump Sock AK

6A906 Nylon Stump Sock AK with opening

6W928 Cotton Stump Sock for BK, 60 cm with opening

6W916 Cotton Stump Sock lower leg thin distal

6V916 Cotton Stump Sock distally thin

6V917 Cotton Stump Sock distally thick

6V918 Cotton Stump Sock distally thin

6W917 Cotton Stump Sock Lower Leg thick distal